Metricab is awarded OHSAS18001

Metricab adopts strict policies for quality, environmental and health and safety issues. Our recent accreditation to Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard OHSAS18001 is the perfect way to demonstrate our continued commitment to Health and Safety. This standard compliments our existing accreditations by CHAS and Constructionline.

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Metricab Recently Exhibited at the Data Centre World Conference & Expo

Delivering Power to UK Data Centres! Have you heard of “Competition in Connections”? Do you know that you no longer need to go to a DNO to get a power supply for your Data Centre? As an accredited Independent Connection Provider (ICP) Metricab carry out nationwide DNO Contestable Connections competitively and more often than not within record time!  The services we …

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Metricab is awarded ISO14001 Certification

The international ISO14001 Standard relates to management systems that control the impact a Company has on the environment.  In today’s environmentally conscious society an increased pressure is placed on businesses to demonstrate their “green” aspirations. According to Low Permittivity Materials reducing pollution, minimising waste and efficient use of raw materials and energy significantly increases Metricab’s efficiency and reduces costs.  Metricab …

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Metricab becomes Carbon Neutral

Leading our lives and running our businesses requires energy. Today that means using fossil fuels in some way. Fossil fuels are not renewable and when they are burnt CO2 is released into the atmosphere causing climate change. There are many ways to reduce carbon emissions, including changing to renewable energy and reducing your travel. However, after we have taken all …

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